Handwritten Receipt Detection

Identify receipts containing handwritten text to allow for special handling or additional verification as needed.

Taggun's Handwritten Receipt Detection feature helps streamline your receipt processing workflow by flagging handwritten receipts that may require different processing or manual review. This is particularly useful for fraud prevention and managing exceptions in automated receipt processing systems.

Key Capabilities

  • Handwritten Receipt Identification: Detects receipts that contain primarily handwritten text.
  • Mixed Content Detection: Identifies receipts with a combination of printed and handwritten content.
  • Scoring: Provides a score for the likelihood of handwritten content.

How It Works

When a receipt image is submitted, Taggun's engine system performs the following analyses:

  1. Text Pattern Analysis: Examines the consistency and patterns of text to distinguish between printed and handwritten characters.
  2. Line Irregularity Detection: Identifies the non-uniform alignment typical of handwritten content.
  3. Character Shape Variability: Analyses the variability in character shapes, which is higher in handwritten text.

Based on these analyses, Taggun's system determines whether the receipt is handwritten and assigns a handwritten score.

Setup Process

1. Contact Taggun

Reach out to [email protected] to enable this feature for your account.

2. Use Verbose Endpoints

The handwritten receipt detection feature is available in all our verbose endpoints.


Note on Receipt Validation APIs

Handwritten Receipt Detection is currently only available in Taggun Data Extraction APIs, not in Receipt Validation APIs. For inquiries about using this feature with receipt validation, please contact us at [email protected] to discuss your use case and potential solutions.

Understanding Response Properties

Field NameTypeDescription
entities.handwritingDetectionobjectContains the handwriting detection results.
entities.handwritingDetection.data.isHandwrittenbooleanIndicates whether the receipt contains handwritten text.
entities.handwritingDetection.data.handwrittenScorenumberThe calculated score indicating the likelihood of handwritten content (0 to 0.99).


A user submits a handwritten receipt:

Response when a handwritten receipt is submitted:

  "entities": {
    "handwritingDetection": {
      "data": {
        "isHandwritten": true,
        "handwrittenScore": 0.99

In this example:

  • The receipt is identified as handwritten (isHandwritten: true).
  • The handwritten score is high (0.99), indicating a strong likelihood that this is a handwritten receipt.

Use Cases

  • Fraud Prevention: Identify potentially higher-risk submissions in promotional campaigns.
  • Expense Management: Flag handwritten receipts for additional review in corporate expense systems.
  • Data Entry Workflow: Route handwritten receipts to manual data entry processes while allowing printed receipts to be processed automatically.


Q: Will this feature detect all instances of handwriting on a receipt?

A: The feature is designed to identify receipts where a significant portion of the content is handwritten. Small handwritten notes on an otherwise printed receipt may not trigger detection.

Q: How accurate is the handwriting detection?

A: While highly accurate, no system is perfect. We recommend using the handwritten score to set appropriate thresholds for your use case and combining this feature with human review for critical applications.

Best Practices

  1. Review: Implement a separate review process for receipts flagged as handwritten.
  2. Holistic Approach: Use this feature in conjunction with other fraud detection tools for comprehensive protection.
  3. Education: Educate users on best practices for submitting handwritten receipts, such as ensuring clear and legible writing.
  4. Thresholds: Consider the handwritten score when setting up your processing rules. You might handle receipts differently based on their score (e.g., automatic approval for low scores, manual review for high scores).

Start Building

Contact us at [email protected] to enable Handwritten Receipt Detection on your account.