
Q: Where can I find the latest version of the Taggun API documentation?

A: In our API Reference.

Q: How do I get technical support or suggest a feature?

A: Please submit support and feature requests through our support email at [email protected]. Be sure to include as much detail as possible about the issue or suggestion.

Getting Started

Q: How do I obtain API credentials for Taggun?

A: To get your API credentials, sign up for a Taggun account here. Once registered, your API key will be emailed to you.

Q: What programming languages are supported by Taggun?

A: Taggun provides a RESTful API that can be used with any programming language capable of making HTTP requests. We offer code examples in popular languages like Python, JavaScript, PHP, and cURL to help you get started quickly.

API Usage

Q: What’s the rate limit for Taggun API calls?

A: Find rate limit information here.

Receipt Processing

Q: Does Taggun support handwritten receipts/invoices?

A: Yes, Taggun’s OCR technology can process both printed and handwritten receipts and invoices. However, the accuracy may vary depending on the legibility of the handwriting. For best results, ensure the image is clear and well-lit.

Q: Can Taggun process digital receipts/invoices?

A: Absolutely. Taggun can process digital receipts and invoices in various formats, including images (JPEG, PNG) and PDFs. You can submit these directly to our API.

Q: How does Taggun handle very long receipts?

A: For long receipts that can’t be captured in a single image, you can submit multiple images for a single receipt. Taggun will process each image separately, and you can combine the results on your end. Ensure that there’s some overlap between the images for the best results.

Q: What should we do if Taggun’s output is not as expected?

A: If you receive unexpected output:

  1. Check the quality of the input image. Ensure it’s clear, well-lit, and all relevant information is visible.
  2. Adjust the confidenceThreshold parameter in your API call to potentially get more data.
  3. Visit Contacting Support.

Image Capture and Submission

Q: What are the best practices for instructing a user to capture a receipt photo for Taggun?

A: Visit End-User Guidance for tips on ensuring the best quality input.

Q: Can more than one photo be submitted to Taggun in a single API request?

A: Taggun processes each image submission separately.

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