Definitions for Create Campaign Settings

This API is used to create a campaign with specific validation rules for receipt submissions.

API Reference

Endpoint: POST{campaignId}

Request Definitions

dateobjectDefines the start and end date for the campaign.Yes
date.startstringStart date for the campaign in ISO 8601 format.Yes
date.endstringEnd date for the campaign in ISO 8601 format.Yes
merchantNamesobjectList of participating merchants and validation rules.No
merchantNames.skipbooleanWhether to skip merchant name validation.No
merchantNames.liststring[]List of merchant names to validate against.No
productLineItemsobjectDefines eligible product names, quantities, and price range.No
productLineItems.skipbooleanWhether to skip product line validation.No
productLineItems.namesstring[]List of product names to validate against.No
productLineItems.totalPrice.minnumberMinimum allowable price for product line items.No
productLineItems.totalPrice.maxnumberMaximum allowable price for product line items.No
productLineItems.quantity.minnumberMinimum quantity of items for validation.No
productLineItems.quantity.maxnumberMaximum quantity of items for validation.No
productCodesobjectProduct codes relevant to the campaign.No
productCodes.skipbooleanWhether to skip product code validation.No
balanceOwingobjectDefines validation rules for the total balance on receipts.No
balanceOwing.skipbooleanWhether to skip balance owing validation.No
balanceOwing.maxnumberMaximum balance owing allowed for the receipt.No
fraudDetectionobjectSettings for fraud detection and similarity checks.No
fraudDetection.allowSimilarityCheckbooleanWhether to allow fraud detection based on receipt similarity.No
smartValidateobjectAdditional custom validation questions.No
smartValidate.skipbooleanWhether to skip smart validation questions.No
smartValidate.validationQuestionsobject[]List of validation questions and expected answers.No

Response Definitions

resultstringA message indicating the outcome of the operation.
statusCodenumberThe HTTP status code of the response.