
Taggun provides comprehensive receipt and invoice processing for India, supporting all core functions.

Taggun also offers advanced features for processing receipts and invoices in India, including IN-GST extraction for local tax and compliance requirements.

Core Capabilities

Taggun fully supports all core receipt processing functions for Brazil. This includes the extraction of total amounts, tax information, merchant details, line items, and much more. For a complete list of our core capabilities, please refer to Data Fields That Taggun Extracts.

For example:

  • Currency: BRL (Brazilian Real, symbol: R$)
  • Date Format: DD/MM/YYYY or DD.MM.YYYY
  • Language Support: Portuguese
  • Tax System: Value Added Tax (VAT, locally known as ICMS - Imposto sobre Circulação de Mercadorias e Serviços)

Supported Document Types

Taggun's Receipt Scanning API supports the following document types commonly used in Brazil:

  1. Nota Fiscal: A standardised fiscal receipt issued for goods and services, typically including detailed tax information and compliance with SEFAZ regulations.
  2. Cupom Fiscal: A simplified fiscal receipt used for smaller transactions, which may include a QR code for validation.
  3. Recibo: A general receipt acknowledging a transaction, used for various non-fiscal purposes.

Brazil-Specific Enhancements

QR Code Extraction for Brazilian Receipts and SEFAZ Compliance

In Brazil, many fiscal receipts contain a QR code that links to SEFAZ (Secretaria da Fazenda) systems, providing essential details about the transaction, such as purchase items, taxes, and the issuing entity.
Taggun's QR code extraction feature is specifically designed to handle these requirements:

  • Advanced Detection Capabilities: Our API accurately detects and decodes QR codes, regardless of their position or orientation on the receipt. This includes QR codes that are off-centre, skewed, or located in unconventional positions.
  • SEFAZ Data Extraction: The QR codes on Brazilian receipts often link to a URL containing detailed sale information. Our API extracts this URL, allowing for easy access to the transaction data for compliance and validation purposes.

NIF Normalisation & Validation

The NIF (Número de Identificação Fiscal) is the Brazilian tax identification number. Taggun ensures that NIFs are correctly extracted and normalised, providing consistent and accurate data in line with Brazilian fiscal standards.

Document Type Classification

Taggun automatically detects and classifies document types as Nota Fiscal, Cupom Fiscal, or Recibo:

  • Stricter rules are applied for fiscal documents (Nota Fiscal and Cupom Fiscal) to ensure compliance with Brazilian regulations.
  • If the document type cannot be specifically identified, it defaults to 'Recibo,' indicating a general transaction proof.

API Response Fields

The following properties can be enabled for the verbose endpoints:

Field NameTypeAccess PathDescription
Merchant NIFstringentities.merchantTaxId.dataThe detected NIF (Número de Identificação Fiscal) of the merchant issuing the receipt or invoice.
Document Typestringentities.brazilReceiptDetails.documentType.dataThe detected document type. Options include 'nota fiscal', 'cupom fiscal', or 'recibo'.
QR Code URLstringentities.brazilReceiptDetails.qrCode.dataThe extracted URL from the QR code linking to SEFAZ (Secretaria da Fazenda) transaction details, if available. More information here.
Document Numberstringentities.brazilReceiptDetails.documentNumber.dataThe extracted document number, used for tax purposes.


Want access?

Please contact Taggun at [email protected] to enable Brazillain Features for your account.

Use Cases

  1. Fiscal Compliance: Extract and validate QR codes and NIFs from Brazilian receipts to ensure compliance with SEFAZ regulations.
  2. Expense Management: Streamline expense reporting by accurately extracting detailed receipt information specific to Brazilian transactions.
  3. Customer Management: Extract and manage NIF numbers for better tracking and compliance in business transactions.

Additional Support

At Taggun, we are committed to improving and expanding our services. If you need additional support for Brazil, we want to hear from you. Please reach out to our team at [email protected], and we’ll work with you to tailor our solutions to your needs.